Vasudevan Lab Holiday Party, 2023 edition
Lab Lunch for Charlene's birthday celebration!
Signaling Mechanisms Underlying Schwann Cell Development and Tumorigenesis
Cervical Plexiform Neurofibroma in a patient with NF-1
UMAP of single cell RNA-seq analysis from human neurofibroma and MPNSTs
Schwann Derived Peripheral Nervous System Tumors
Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor in a patient with NF-1

The Vasudevan Lab is located at the UCSF Mission Bay Medical Center in the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center Building. Our research focuses on studying growth factor signaling in cancer and development with an emphasis on neurofibromatosis and nervous system tumors.

We leverage a multidisciplinary approach combining primary human samples with cell culture and mouse models to understand how cancers develop and discover new therapeutic approaches. Our diverse team is comprised of biologists, clinicians, and engineers with the single goal of advancing patient care.

We place a premium on mentorship and career development for all members of our team, and a core component of the lab is to maximize each individual's growth, recognizing that all of us are lifelong learners.


11/22/24: Congratulations to Kanish, Iowis, Laura, and Ramin on presenting the lab's work at the 2024 Society for Neuro Oncology Meeting.

11/21/24: Harish presents the lab's work at the Indiana University Wells Center Seminar Series

10/28/24: Harish presents the lab's work at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center Grand Rounds

10/10/24: Harish presents the lab's work at the 2024 Ras Initiative Symposium

9/4/24: The Vasudevan Lab is awarded a 2024 DHART SPORE CEP Award.

7/1/24: Charlene and Kanish's preprint defining the genomic landscape and druggable dependencies of NF1 mutant glioblastoma is available in preprint form.

6/1/24: The Vasudevan Lab is awarded a 2023 Department of Defense NFRP New Investigator Award

5/6/24: Congratulations to our Brian Na on publishing a comprehensive review of the treatment landscape for NF-1 associated tumors

5/1/24: The Vasudevan Lab is awarded a 2024 HDFCCC Neurologic Oncology Pilot Grant.

3/29/24: Congratulations to Lexi Haugh on her ASCO YIA funded publication defining biomarkers in metastatic cutaneous melanoma 

11/17-11/20/23: Charlene Pan, Nadeem Al-Adli, and Kanish Mirchia present the lab's work at SNO 2023 on understanding and treating NF1 mutant nervous system tumors.

10/4/23: Iowis Zhu gives an oral presentation at ASTRO 2023 on his work unraveling mechanisms of radiation response in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. 

9/18/23: The Vasudevan Lab is awarded a DHART SPORE CEP Award

9/15/23: The Vasudevan Lab welcomes two new SRA's: Sarah Mohabeer and Julian Chien!

8/25/23: The Vasudevan Lab's work on bulk and single cell genomic analysis of melanoma brain metastases is published and featured in Quadshot.

6/2/23: Lexi Haugh is awarded an ASCO YIA, congratulations!

4/14/23: The Vasudevan Lab is awarded a Children's Tumor Foundation Gene Therapy Initiative award 

11/28/22: Harish officially joins the UCSF Department of Neurosurgery 

7/1/22: The Vasudevan Lab is born!