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All inquires for positions should be sent to Harish via email (harish.vasudevan[at]

Graduate Students. The Vasudevan Lab prioritizes mentorship, and we are happy to host UCSF BMS or MSTP students for laboratory rotations. Projects are individualized for each student based on their interests, and interested students should reach out to Harish via email (harish.vasudevan[at] to discuss potential projects. Students will receive direct mentorship from Harish, working together on a daily basis.

Postdoctoral Fellows. The Vasudevan Lab currently has a single postdoctoral fellowship opening to study growth factor signaling in cancer. Projects are broadly focused on studying neurofibromatosis associated cancers using a combination of biochemical and single cell genomic analysis of human tumor samples, mouse genetic models, and cell culture systems. Individuals with a doctorate in medicine or science from all scientific backgrounds are encouraged to apply by sending Harish an email (harish.vasudevan[at] with a cover letter, CV, and three references.